Here Is The TED Talk!!!

Some opportunities only come once. This TED talk was one such opportunity. When your opportunity comes you may have some apprehension. I know you’re scared but do it scared. You can be scared AND not have the opportunity or you can be scared AND go for the opportunity. The choice is yours, but life waits for no one. It is up to each of us to maximize our opportunities by being intentional with our efforts. Some of those efforts involve seeking the assistance, advice, influence, or aid of others.

Expectation can often bring about feelings of joy, yearning, and hope. Many people say that they expect to be great, to thrive, or to live within their purpose. However, their actions sometimes do not align with the word as it is defined. Expectation is defined as “a strong belief that something will happen or be the case in the future; a belief that someone will or should achieve something.”

Based on these definitions, a few fundamental questions emerge. Do you have an honest expectation that your future will be better? Do you have an honest belief that you will or should achieve something great? Do you truly believe you have a purpose and that you will fulfill it?

A mentor of mine, Hubert Sugira Hategekimana, has an alliterative way of helping people make sense of their lives and discover their purpose. The three components or questions he poses are: What is my design? What is my desire? What is my distinction?

In this TEDx talk I will provide you with 3 questions that you should yourself before making a lifelong decision. Your decisions as opposed to your choices will determine the course of your life. If you’ve squandered opportunities in the past it is likely because you decided when you should have only made wise choices. If done correctly opportunities allow us and others to see the unique and distinct purpose to which our lives have always been directed.

WATCH the TED talk here!!!