Significance Makes Life Worth Living


Rarely, do I cry at the loss of a celebrity whom I have admired from afar but never met. However, when Kobe Bryant passed I had a different reaction. This was augmented by the fact that his young daughter and several other families were lost in that infamous helicopter crash. As a ‘girl dad’ I can only begin to imagine the horror of knowing one of my daughters would be losing her life. The only silver lining for such a grave tragedy is the attention it has called to the example Kobe set, the example of living a life of significance.

Most people know that Kobe was one of the greatest basketball players of all time. Please don’t comment about who should or shouldn’t be on the list of all-time greats. That discussion can occur later. For now, in the shadow of Kobe’s passing, lets remember his greatness. Kobe’s greatness and indeed his significance extended well beyond the basketball court. He was by all accounts a loving father and husband. This led to the popular hashtag “#girldad” circulating shortly after his death.

In addition to excelling on the basketball court and at home, Kobe Bryant won an Oscar for his animated short, “Dear Basketball” in 2018. Moreover, Kobe started an investment firm, Bryant Stibel in 2013 with Jeff Stibel, which among other ventures has financed the makers of Fortnight. He also invested in Bodyarmor, a sports drink maker in competition with Gatorade as well as Granity studios, which is a media company.

Kobe said, “I got tired of telling people I loved business as much as I did basketball because people would look at me like I had three heads… But I do.” [2] Venture Capitalist and Shark Tank contributor, Chris Sacca said, “Not sure I will ever know anyone else with his work ethic.” This comment is weighty because Mr. Sacca wasn’t speaking about Kobe’s basketball training regimen. Kobe brought the same mentality to everything he did – excellence without excuse, perseverance without complaint and meekness without weakness. His mentality is what ultimately made him significant.

            Let’s examine three quotes from Kobe Bryant that highlight how one becomes significant.

“These young guys are playing checkers. I’m out there playing chess.”

In baseball, when you hit a home run matters. There is a difference between a regular season homerun and one hit in the ninth inning of the seventh game of the World Series. When you strike matters. Kobe Bryant got the nickname Black Mamba because of the reputation of that snake. The black mamba is the most venomous snake in the world, which means you may die within 20 minutes of being bitten. It is also extremely fast, reaching speeds of up to 12 miles per hour and when it strikes you know it.

The Black Mamba snake gets its name not from the color of its scales but from the inside of its mouth. This means you don’t see its lethal side until it is too late. I love to play chess and what separates chess players from checkers players is the need to strategize and conceal their attack. Kobe made a living knowing what he planned before his opponents knew he planned it. What plans are you fulfilling? What plot are you completing? Your purpose, like chess, is a long game not a short jump.

“I focus on one thing and one thing only – that’s trying to win as many championships as I can.”

Natalie Wolchover, a writer for LiveScience, notes, “If you swapped your eyes for an eagle’s, you could see an ant crawling on the ground from the roof of a 10-story building. You could make out the expressions on basketball players’ faces from the worst seats in the arena. Objects directly in your line of sight would appear magnified, and everything would be brilliantly colored, rendered in an inconceivable array of shades.”

Focus is everything! How you prepare in secret will be recognized in public. I heard a pastor say, preparation is the process. The idea is that knowing what you should do or are called to do is different than being ready to do it. No one becomes great overnight! Gold must be refined. Basketball players must train hard. Doctors must study and practice. The process can at times be grueling and can make us conjure thoughts of quitting, slacking or choosing an easier path. However, I believe we need to have the proper perspective in our understanding of preparation. It’s far better to have a grueling process in private than to have a gruesome showing in public. Position yourself to pursue your singular purpose and you will exit a life of mediocrity and enjoy the fruits of mastery.

“I’m reflective only in the sense that I learn to move forward. I reflect with a purpose.”

A lifetime of significance requires no tombstone at your burial because the life you’ve lived will be your everlasting epitaph. Kobe left a legacy that far exceeds his playing days. What will your legacy be? Have you imparted your wisdom, lifestyle, business or vision to the next generation? If so, did you communicate the pitfalls as well as the successes?

It’s great to look back but don’t get so stuck in the past that you become paralyzed in the present. When you know what your purpose is you will have to make decisions with that as your foundation. Have you made any decisions this week, this month or this year, that you now realize are taking your focus away from completing what you began? What decisions in life do you wish you could make differently? How can you ensure that you make a wiser decision the next time you are faced with similar circumstances?

            Fix the issue. Focus on your purpose. Fulfill your vision. Don’t live to be successful. Live to be significant.

Long live the mamba mentality!

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