Created to Create – Discover What The DNA Evidence Reveals About Your Purpose

Everywhere I look I see purpose. When I’m in the shower my mind is thinking of how to advance my purpose or how to help others advance theirs. When I watch TV I will invariably hear a line from someone on the show that gives me an idea for a blog post. When I am in conversation with a client, my wife, or a friend they often say something that sparks an idea for a blog post or a lesson I will teach. My brain is hardwired to create at all times. You and I can be in the same room, watching the same movie, sitting in roughly the same spot and still hear and process the movie differently. The reason for this is that we each hear through a filter that aligns with what we were put on earth to complete. My spiritual assignment came with spiritual ears, as did yours. Therefore, my perspective in what to do with the information that we both heard will be different – not better. Therein lies the beauty of God’s design. We are physically designed with many similarities but spiritually designed with different propensities. This allows progress to take place on earth because you can see what I can’t see. If, with a pure heart, everyone covers the blind spots of others, we all win. In this way, two perspectives can be better than one.

As I said, physically, even down to a molecular level we are designed with the same building blocks. Those building blocks are known as DNA or deoxyribonucleic acid. DNA has a helical structure that looks like a twisted ladder. The sides are formed by alternating deoxyribose and phosphate molecules. The rungs on the ladder are made of 4 nitrogen bases – Adenine, Thymine, Cytosine, and Guanine. Every carbon-based life form is composed of DNA. This common thread of design is actually evidence of a common designer. The order of the letters and the sequence that they are in send a specific message to the cells in the living thing about how to act and look. Dr. Frank Turek notes, “Another name for that type of information is ‘specified complexity.’” The DNA evidence was and is so profound that it led a former prominent atheist philosopher, Antony Flew, to come to belief in God. After examining the DNA evidence, he concluded, that “DNA material…has shown, by the almost unbelievable complexity of the arrangements which are needed to produce life, that intelligence must have been involved in getting these extraordinarily diverse elements to work together.” I believe the specified complexity of the messages within our cells not only tells us how we should look, act, talk, and walk, but it also can begin to reveal the purposeful, thoughtful, and intentional nature of the designer that composed those cells.

God’s original intent was itself intentional, which is evidenced by some very purposeful actions. The composition and varied uniqueness of DNA is one piece of evidence. Some of the other evidence may not be as immediately apparent. For example, the circumstances you’ve endured can reveal a lot about what you’re designed to do. God is the ultimate builder and creator. And we can rest assured that a God that is that specific in designing His creations, especially man who He formed by hand and blew His own breath into would not create that species without a purpose. He would not create you without a purpose. Your presence on earth is proof that you are necessary. You have value. You have an assignment. You have a purpose!

Ephesians 2:10 says, “For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them.” The Creator created us to create. This is why you feel fulfilled when you complete an assignment or build a team or an organization. This is why the accomplishment you feel inside when you see your vision become a reality cannot be compared to simply being given a sum of money. He created you for “good works prepared beforehand”, which means He saw your purpose before He saw you. In other words, the reason He created you was because He needed to. There was something that He needed you to do in the earth, so He made you so that it would get done. Once you discover your “it” you will feel closer to your Creator than ever before. In order to discover your “it” or your purpose, you will need to identify your specific uniqueness. As is the case with the “specified complexity” of DNA, you and I are both complex and designed for specific tasks.

Theologian G.K. Chesterton said, “Do not free a camel of the burden of his hump; you may be freeing him from being a camel.”